CHIN - CIHR Human Immunology Network. Research in Human Immunology Clinical Care and Public Policy in Canada
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CHIN Nodes...

McMaster University
McMaster Immunology Research Centre


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Node Leader
McMaster University
Dr. Jonathan Bramson

The McMaster node is led by Dr. Bramson, a Professor in the department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine and Director of the McMaster Immunology Research Centre. A leader in the field of tumor immunology, his central focus is the development of novel immunotherapies for cancer. His expertise spans oncology, virology, immunology, and molecular biology.

The McMaster Immunology Research Centre (MIRC) occupies 36 000 ft2 of space on the 4th and 5th floors of the Michael DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery and is home to 16 principal investigators. Research at the Centre was supported by >$7.4M in grant funding in 2009. The MIRC has advanced high-through put technology within 3 core facilities of value to this application: i) Flow Cytometry and cell sorting facility; ii) Human Immune Testing Suite (HITs), GLP-compliant research laboratory restricted to the immunological analysis of human clinical samples. This suite has dedicated high-end instrumentation (high-throughput flow cytometer, robotic liquid handler, ELISPOT reader, equipment for isolation of tissue-infiltrating lymphocytes; and iii) a Histology facility.

The McMaster node brings to CHIN leadership within the Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium harmonization group and participates regularly in their harmonization panels to maintain best practices. The node will provide an entry site for those investigators pursuing human immunology research in the context of tumor immunology and vaccine-based treatments for cancer. In addition members within this node have expertise in infectious diseases having participated in 3 major clinical studies that involved reception, cataloging and storage of large collections of clinical specimens.