CHIN - CIHR Human Immunology Network. Research in Human Immunology Clinical Care and Public Policy in Canada
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CHIN Nodes...

Western University

Centre for Human Immunology



Node Leader
Western University
Dr. Bhagirath Singh

The Centre for Human Immunology is an inclusive city-wide initiative to coordinate basic and clinical research, policy research and educational activities in Human and Translational Immunology at two different institutions in London, Ontario:

  • Western University

  • The Lawson Health Research Institute

At present the CHI has 28 basic and clinical researchers and clinician scientists working along the lines of infection and immunity, autoimmunity and transplantation. I write my nursing essay about the CHI and would like to share some information here. The centre has technology platforms in flow cytometry and cell sorting, molecular and cellular imaging, genomics and proteomics, and small animal, large animal and non-human primate imaging facilities. In addition, it has clinical trials support groups at hospital sites and off-campus as academic clinical research organizations. It also has extensive linkages with venture capital, biotechnology and pharma corporations with emphasis on vaccine development and optimization of immunosuppressive protocols for organ transplantation.

The UWO node provides also linkages with centres working in Social Sciences and the Arts and Humanities, exploring societal responses to vaccination, themes related to science and ethical values (Rotmann Institute of Philosophy), and Business Development and Health Care innovation (Ivey School of Business). Together, the node attracts over $6 million/yr in peer review funding and significant funding from private sources, and it was recognized as most influential centre in immunology in 2005 by independent peer-reviewed Thomson Report.